Golf Tournament Success!

September 21, 2007: The 2nd annual Upper Allen Public Safety Golf Tournament was held on Friday September 21st. All proceeds from the tournament were split equally to benefit the Upper Allen Fire and Police departments. The Police Department uses the money to benefit the youth of Upper Allen Township and the Fire Department uses the money for operating expenses. We would like to thank all the golfers, sponsors and businesses that donated money, prizes and goods used in the tournament. We also would like to thank all of the individuals who donated their time to help the day run so smoothly. Check back on the website for a lot more photos from the day, including some great golf swings! We look forward to seeing you all again next year. If you didn’t get to play this year, check back in 2008 and register early, as this year’s tournament sold out fast.

UPDATE: Photos now available online. Click the link at right to view for a list of sponsors and a link to over 50 photos from the event!