Mid Afternoon Fire in York County Calls for Engine,Truck & Tanker 23!


RL Livingston Fire 1-31-2013-5





RL Livingston Fire 1-31-2013-4



January, 31 2013 UAFD was called to 1 Blair Mtn. Rd. for a reported building fire with entrapment.  The call was for the Engine, Truck & Tanker all on the same alarm.  Engine 223 was first to arrived and was given assignment to stage apparatus and send manpower to side “A” and help pull hand lines   Truck 23 was next and was given assignment to drive behind the barn and set up to provide a master stream.  Truck 23 master-stream was put into service after the evacuation tones were given the 2nd time.  Tanker 23 was assisting with the “Tanker Task Force” and supplied the fire (3) tank load of water.  No injuries from UAFD and all units returned after about 3.5 hrs on scene.

** Special Thanks to West Shore Bureau for Fire and Chambers Hill Fire Co. Truck 456 for standing by for us while we operated at the fire.  They did get to run a medical assist with on transfer.

** Also to Curt Werner for the pictures of the fire used for this post.  Thanks Curt!