Daniela Harrison

UAFD Black Helmet Member

This evening at our monthly meeting, the Chiefs presented Adam Harrison with his black helmet, signifying interior fire qualification. Adam has dedicated countless hours over the past six months to reach this achievement, and we are proud to have him as a member of our department.

Mechanicsburg U12 Softball Sponsorship

A big thank you to the Mechanicsburg U12 Softball Team. They presented their team photo plaque to us in recognition of this year’s sponsorship. At UAFD, we are proud and find joy in supporting our youth in activities that they enjoy.

UAFD at Pumps Ops 1 Class



This weekend, our Upper Allen Fire Department members completed Pump Ops 1 at HACC. This is a 16-hour class that is a prerequisite at our department to begin driving the apparatus. They learned how to pump on different types of apparatus from a hydrant, and also from drafting.

Thank you to Matt Witmer, Amber Kaminski, and Brad Livezey for your continued dedication to our department and community!