UAFD Officers and the Apparatus Committee would like to keep you updated on the new tower ladder that Pierce is building. As the build process goes on and we receive production reports, we will post them so you can follow along with us.
Update as of Tuesday, November 14, 2023
We are happy to say the new Truck 23 has been welcomed home!
Update as of Sunday, October 15, 2023
The new Truck 23 is nearing completion! Members of our apparatus committee will be flying out to Pierce in Appleton, WI soon for the final inspection!
Update as of Friday, October 13, 2023
The aerial device is now installed and the truck is nearing completion!
Update as of Friday, October 6, 2023
The ladder sections are being assembled.
Update as of Saturday, September 30, 2023
Assembly line work continues.
Update as of Friday, September 22, 2023
The truck is coming along nicely as it continues down the assembly line.
Update as of Friday, September 15, 2023
The body is now mounted on the chassis.
Update as of Friday, September 8, 2023
The truck is done in torque box and the body is done on module line, waiting for future mount on the chassis.
Update as of Friday, September 1, 2023
The torque box is now mounted and assembly continues. The body is progressing down the assembly line.
Update as of Friday, August 25, 2023
The cab interior has been added, and the engine and batteries assembled onto the chassis. The cab was mounted to the chassis, and the body has now begun assembly on the module line.
Update as of Friday, August 18, 2023
The chassis has been painted, and tires added. The body is also done with the painting process and has been staged for future assembly. And cab assembly has begun.
Update as of Friday, August 11, 2023
Linex has been added to the cab, and the body is now completely painted. The torque box is now rust proofed, and finally the chassis is in the build process with the VIN.
Update as of Friday, August 4, 2023
The cab is now painted. The body will be finished painting next.
Update as of Friday, July 28, 2023
The body is now metal finished and staged for paint, and the cab will soon be prepped for second color paint.
Update as of Friday, July 21, 2023
The body is done and staged for future metal finish and paint.
Update as of Friday, July 14, 2023
The cab and front body sections are in the process of being painted.
Update as of Monday, July 3, 2023
The cab and is metal finished and staged for future paint.
Update as of Saturday, June 24, 2023
The front cab is built. Both the front cab and rear compartment are welded.
Update as of Saturday, June 10, 2023

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