Daniela Harrison

May Duty Night

Last evening, we held our May duty night. We had some helpful guests from the Keystone FC Elite boys Soccer team! They stopped in to help us wash the apparatus, and we gave them a tour of the station. We showed them the equipment on the rigs, and they stayed to watch us play, stack the cups, move an egg, and cribbing Jenga with the rescue tools. Thank you, Keystone FC Elite, for coming out and lending a hand!

Garbage Truck Fire

This afternoon, Squad 23, Tanker 23, Traffic 23, and Utility 23 responded to a garbage truck fire. Multiple reports to the county stated that the truck was well involved. Squad 23 arrived on the scene and began the fire attack. The fire was quickly extinguished, and crews began overhauling/cleaning up. Crews remained on the scene for about 45 minutes. Thank you to our mutual aid companies who responded and assisted.